Bravecto Spot On For Cats. Compared to other products which must be given every month. Forget monthly treatments and choose bravecto for cats, one single dose that lasts 3 times longer with 3 months flea and tick protection.

Bravecto is approved and vet recommended, so you can apply bravecto to your cat with confidence. Fluralaner is a member of the isoxazoline class. Bravecto plus^, in addition to providing 3 months flea and tick protection, treats roundworm, lungworm and hookworm infections and ear mites.
Bravecto plus is also registered as a treatment for ear mites.
G4292 (act 36/1947) each 1 m? Forget monthly treatments and choose bravecto for cats, one single dose that lasts 3 times longer with 3 months flea and tick protection. Save more with bravecto ®. The content of one full bravecto pipette is applied to the dog or cat’s skin between the shoulder blades of the dog and at the base of the skull of the cat.