Bottle Feeding Kittens How Often. Young kittens may suckle on each other. It is both rewarding and challenging to bottle feed a kitten and requires knowledge to do it safely.

From there, you can decide if bottle feeding is necessary. Best wet food for kittens. In addition, allow the kitten to take his time while bottle feeding to avoid overeating or problems with digestion.
This may also account for why bottle fed kittens grow slower than kittens that nurse off a mother.
If you give dry food, moisten it, because kittens can’t chew dry food well until about eight weeks old. Bottle feeding is necessary for kittens under five weeks who are orphaned, have been rejected by their mother, the mother has a medical condition which makes her unable to nurse, or if the litter is large. Human nipples and cat nipples vary widely in size and so a human baby bottle nipple will be much too large for a kitten. This often requires bottle feeding a newborn kitten until the kitten is strong enough to eat regular cat food.