Bonded Pair Cats Fighting. Separating a bonded pair also leads to isolation behavior. Species:cat age:4ish sex/neuter status:1 m, 1f, both neutered breed:

If you happen to see this amazing moment, don't forget to take a snapshot quickly. Cats are surprisingly social creatures, though the range of sociability varies. Had one 4 yrs from pup and other 3 yrs from pup.past 3/4 mths fighting but past week bad fighting so we need to keep separate though they will.
They were from a feral litter and fostered together when they were old enough to break up the litter.
However some cats form very strong bonds and become what is generally known as a bonded pair of cats. Just like other bonded animals, bonded cats are very insistent on being together and may exhibit signs of anxiety if they're separated. Post by kstone » thu mar 12, 2015 5:04 pm my boyfriend and i adopted two cats in january of 2014, jackie (now 4 years old) and waffle (now two years old). A bonded pair of cats is just that: