Blue Siberian Cat For Sale. Hypoallergenic cats and kittens, “call” today!! The only way is to test the saliva of the kitten in the laboratory to know the degree of the kitten allergen.

Our cattery and cats are both tica registered. Our cattery contains no breeding cat above 2.89mcg of fel d1. Father is from moscow but has english certificates.
Breeders of siberian cats and kittens “for sale” ontario, toronto, ottawa.
For sale , siberian forest cat, siberian kittens for sale, hypoallergenic cats for sale, siberian cats great companions, beautiful long haired siberian kittens. The sire is our cfa ch shumaher oduvanchik sibirskoe chudo, seal silver lynx point, the queen is cfa ch rumjana nevskaia radost. His father, famous gannibal golubaya krov (blue blood) was at the base of most famous current lines of siberians. The coat will shed occasionally in the spring and fall, and you may need to prepare all the more habitually during that time.