Black Smoke Cat Rare. Ultra rare and one of a kind persian coat colors. As we have discussed in previous blogs, any solid color can be a smoke.

I had seen from various sources that black smoke was a rare color in the random cat population but it makes sense that it can appear randomly since all colors have to eventually appear in order for them to be bred into a breed. Here is a pic of my smoke tabby ash's kitten! Is a solid black cat relatively rare or have we all just happened to not see the large number of them out there?
Just like all maine coons the black smoke is a very sturdy animal.
That's why we chose her If you are one of those people that crave originality in life, you have arrived at the right website. A smoke coloring just means that the undercoat is a lighter shade. If you specifically want a black smoke siberian, i would look at breeders who have black smoke male or female breeders.