Birth Control Pills For Cats. Anonymous asked in pets cats · 2 years ago can you give human birth control pills to female cats? These medications will not impact future heat cycles and the ability to breed.

Ma also comes in a liquid oral suspension known as human “megace” in 40 mg per ml of liquid. Anyone who has ever tried to give a tame cat a pill knows how impossible that would be with a wild one. Female cats usually become sexually mature and active at some stage after six months of age.
For cats and dogs or small mammals you would use less.
Believe it or not, the above statement is true. Ma pills come in several strengths such as 5 mg tablets, 10 mg tablets, 20 mg tablets, and 40 mg tablets. My questions recieved many infomercal type answers of regurgitated answers that can be heard from any vet.also many answers were opionated and insulting.i will never ask another question on this worthless site. There really is safe & affordable birth control for feral cats!