Are Cats Ticklish On Their Feet. They are used for touching and feeling things, such as unfamiliar and new objects. While your cat might respond to being tickled, chances are its more of a reflex than a tickle response.

Some cats get squeamish around their paws but most of the time cats are not ticklish You can test this on your own pet. Conclusion your little buddy may not be facing survival in the wilderness, but they carry the same instincts to protect and use their paws as they interact with the slightly less wild world around them.
Or for a short hair cat, try to run your finger lightly on its back from the neck down to tail.
House cats may simply fling their butt in the air because it feels good. Their lower spines are extremely sensitive to touch. My cat tommy is ticklish on his hind feet. Cleaning your cat’s paws is a crucial part of maintaining its health and wellness.