6 Week Puppy Diarrhea. How to take care of a 6 week old puppy what to feed a 6 week old puppy and feeding schedule. Your pup has no protection against any diseases i hope that the breeder started to give vax at that age.

Stress can cause puppy diarrhea. Depending on their size, try giving dogs a small container (6 oz) of plain yogurt daily. I do not think 6 week old puppies should be sold to anyone that young.
Since some vaccinations are given in the nose or under tender skin, it's not a surprise to hear a puppy yelping after vaccination, but if your dog has diarrhea after vaccination, that might be cause for concern.
While you give the puppy goat milk, remember that the puppy needs water for hydration. He is also more likely to have worms. Hi our 6 week old staffy puppy has diarrhea , the vet has given us chicken and rice flavoured food to help , however , we have been told its also healthy and cheaper to give her normal boiled rice with some chicken , was just wondering if this is true? Since the vet visit she has had diarrhea for 2 days.